Submit issues, requests, and questions regarding Staff+!

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Note that voting on topics will basically bump them up in my priority list, so any idea added will probably be added eventually but the ideas that are voted the most will be added sooner!


Hook it with Mysql

vladykminecrafter 8 years ago updated by shortninja66 8 years ago 2

Because i use this on my network and i have 10 servers and i need to staff chat to be in all my servers sync and need reports sync too


staff cant see other staff when they are vannished

Anonymous 8 years ago updated by shortninja66 8 years ago 2

Staff in staff mode cant see staff in staff mode when they use vanish, please can you eaither make it so staff can see the player OR just make it give staff armour when they go in staff mode

shortninja66 8 years ago

they need the total vanish permission to see other staff members in total vanish.


Random ErrorS PLEASE Help Me

Omar Garcia 8 years ago updated by shortninja66 8 years ago 1

27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN [PacketListenerAPI] An exception occured while trying to execute 'onSend' in plugin StaffPlus: null 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN java.lang.NullPointerException 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at net.shortninja.staffplus.server.PacketModifier.isVanished( 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at net.shortninja.staffplus.server.PacketModifier.handleClientSound( 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at net.shortninja.staffplus.server.PacketModifier.access$1( 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at net.shortninja.staffplus.server.PacketModifier$1.onSend( 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at org.inventivetalent.packetlistener.handler.PacketHandler.notifyHandlers( 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at org.inventivetalent.packetlistener.PacketListenerAPI.onPacketSend( 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at$ChannelHandler.write( 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NetworkManager$ 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks( 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at Source) 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN [PacketListenerAPI] An exception occured while trying to execute 'onSend' in plugin StaffPlus: null 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN java.lang.NullPointerException 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at net.shortninja.staffplus.server.PacketModifier.handleClientAnimation( 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at net.shortninja.staffplus.server.PacketModifier.access$2( 27.08 23:20:43 [Server] WARN at net.shortninja.staffplus.server.PacketModifier$1.onSend( 27.08 23:20:44 [Multicraft] Skipped 90 lines due to rate limit (30/s) 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN [PacketListenerAPI] An exception occured while trying to execute 'onSend' in plugin StaffPlus: null 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN java.lang.NullPointerException 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at net.shortninja.staffplus.server.PacketModifier.handleClientAnimation( 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at net.shortninja.staffplus.server.PacketModifier.access$2( 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at net.shortninja.staffplus.server.PacketModifier$1.onSend( 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at org.inventivetalent.packetlistener.handler.PacketHandler.notifyHandlers( 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at org.inventivetalent.packetlistener.PacketListenerAPI.onPacketSend( 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at$ChannelHandler.write( 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NetworkManager$ 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks( 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] WARN at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] ERROR Could not pass event PlayerQuitEvent to StaffPlus v3.0.8 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.event.EventException 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] INFO at$1.execute( ~[spigot-1_8_8.jar:git-Spigot-e4d4710-e1ebe52] 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[spigot-1_8_8.jar:git-Spigot-e4d4710-e1ebe52] 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [spigot-1_8_8.jar:git-Spigot-e4d4710-e1ebe52] 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [spigot-1_8_8.jar:git-Spigot-e4d4710-e1ebe52] 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerList.disconnect( [spigot-1_8_8.jar:git-Spigot-e4d4710-e1ebe52] 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( [spigot-1_8_8.jar:git-Spigot-e4d4710-e1ebe52] 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NetworkManager.l( [spigot-1_8_8.jar:git-Spigot-e4d4710-e1ebe52] 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.ServerConnection.c( [spigot-1_8_8.jar:git-Spigot-e4d4710-e1ebe52] 27.08 23:20:44 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot-1_8_8.jar:git-Spigot-e4d4710-e1ebe52] 27.08 23:20:45 [Multicraft] Skipped 35 lines due to rate limit (30/s)

2 different errors i get

I get a playerjoievent error as well

i ALSO Get this when i start the server 28.08 00:18:22 [Server] WARN [StaffPlus] Default system encoding may have misread config.yml from plugin jar

shortninja66 8 years ago

please avoid reposting issues. i've already responded to your issue on github.


1.9 PvP CPS issue/request

SquidNinja 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

i have a 1.10 server in my netwrok and i would like the 1.9 pvp to stay, could you please add anoption in the config to make the CPS counter a "accuracy" (or something) counter which counts how long it is between clicks and it woud report back to the player, also it would need to find what the player is hitting with to see if it is acully accurate

shortninja66 8 years ago

there is no way to actually detect accurate CPS in later versions of minecraft. in 1.7 it was the most accurate due to the bounceback rate of the arm being slower. in 1.8 it become even less accurate due to the bounceback rate increasing and in 1.9+ it is obviously even slower.

i can't do much about this at all if you're using 1.10. there is only so much you can do to detect player left clicking.



Anonymous 8 years ago updated 7 years ago 3

How can I put placeholders from staff+ into my scoreboard?

shortninja66 8 years ago

hi, sorry for the late response. there is currently no scoreboard implementation for staff+ so there are no placeholders to use.


Get teleported to spawn when getting out of /staff

Anonymous 8 years ago updated by shortninja66 8 years ago 1

Get teleported to spawn when getting out of /staff

shortninja66 8 years ago

you can add commands to execute on disabling of staff mode. it is in the config, but you may have to update it.


Custom freeze message

Anonymous 8 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

First of all, awesome plugin!

But I have 1 question, is there a way to customize the freeze message? There probably is but I can't find it.. When I freeze someone, it says they have to join a teamspeak server I dont even know.


shortninja66 8 years ago

yes there is a way, take a look at the lang folder in the StaffPlus plugin folder. all supported languages are in there and you can edit whichever one you are currently using (default is lang_en.yml).



Anonymous 8 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Could you make a list of the placeholders this plugin can use?

shortninja66 8 years ago

Every single message, in the configuration file as well as the language file, that has placeholders will have ALL of them in the string by default.


what is the perm nodes

harry 8 years ago updated by shortninja66 8 years ago 1
shortninja66 8 years ago

they are all located towards the bottom of the configuration file.

Not a bug

Staffchat not working

nitramleo 8 years ago updated by shortninja66 8 years ago 2


when ever i type /sc it doesn't do anything but if i do /sc (message) it sends in sc



shortninja66 8 years ago

I can assure you that it puts you in staff mode when you type just "/sc", it just doesn't tell you.

The reason why new messages aren't added right off the bat is because I have to contact a bunch of translators to translate these messages. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience!