Submit issues, requests, and questions regarding Staff+!

All topics are reviewed and considered. Be sure to look at any related topics while submitting your question to prevent duplicates (found duplicates will be merged). If you would like a certain topic to be prioritized (or just noticed faster), just vote on it!

Note that voting on topics will basically bump them up in my priority list, so any idea added will probably be added eventually but the ideas that are voted the most will be added sooner!


Glowing staff :D

SquidNinja 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

Make it so that when someone goes into staff mode, they glow, but only for other staff :D

shortninja66 8 years ago

cool idea. of course, this would only be for 1.9+. if it gets more votes i will add it for sure :p


Bungeecord version

Anonymous 8 years ago updated by SquidNinja 8 years ago 2

Bungeecord version would be very nice and would make this plugin

great! Nice plugin!

EDIT: removed web panel request

shortninja66 8 years ago

bungeecord is definitely planned, i just haven't found the time to actually do much.

also, please check before posting requests, there is already a web panel request here. if a request already exists for your inquiry, just upvote it so it gets moved up on the priority list.


FeatherBoard support & variables

Anonymous 7 years ago updated by shortninja66 7 years ago 1

Please add featherboard support (variables) like:

'StaffChat: <staffchat>'

'Vanished: <vanish>'


shortninja66 7 years ago

i will consider this in the future if there are more votes for it.


BungeeCord support

Anonymous 7 years ago 0


Can you add a BungeeCord support for reports, tickets and StaffChat ?

Thanks a lot


Add /staffplus reload

Anonymous 8 years ago updated by Haley Duncan 3 years ago 3

Add /staffplus reload to reload the plugin.

shortninja66 8 years ago

Planned in the next patch


Can you add a WebServer Control Panel?

Anonymous 8 years ago updated by shortninja66 8 years ago 5

It would be cool to have a webserver control system like cosmic does

shortninja66 8 years ago

i will consider this as an addon for staff+ in the future. no promise for when this will be added, but thank you for your suggestions.

leaving this open for any other things that some users may want.


MySQL support

shortninja66 8 years ago updated by feardevilz 8 years ago 1

An option to add a MySQL database for saving data. Migration would be supported as well.


can you update it for 1.12 1.13 and 1.14.4

Myron 4 years ago updated by Mike_JWZ 4 years ago 1

can you update it please becuase it is a rlly good plugin but i have now a 1.12 server and i'm going to upgrade it to 1.14.4 and i rlly want it to use in my 1.14.4 server


add a bungeecord compatibility

Anonymous 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

title says all


Update to 1.11

arturek1666 7 years ago updated by shortninja66 7 years ago 1

Please update your plugin to 1.11, yes this version is out and works

shortninja66 7 years ago

hi! i was at the hospital for a month for major health complications and i just arrived back home today. sorry for the late response!

1.11 support will be added tomorrow!