

Gabber 7 years ago updated by shortninja66 7 years ago 2

1) When you're in staffmode you add the nametags "Staff" (Only when you staffmode)

Example : https://gyazo.com/660eba794db2360b5ca7f03fe040d350 Never mind the red name in the TAB because I had the op ;)

2) Skin of the player in the GUI reports and Miner GUI (probably already required)



1) this is already on the to-do list. will be added when more votes are made.

2) this is a bug with 1.8, skins will be fixed in the next patch

3) i'll add that in the next patch

3) when you vanish you put the night vision

I'm sorry for my English, but I'm using google translator


1) this is already on the to-do list. will be added when more votes are made.

2) this is a bug with 1.8, skins will be fixed in the next patch

3) i'll add that in the next patch