

Manuel Palenzuela 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

could you ad a holograma that only appears when youre in staff Mode and It tells you if youre vanished, In staffchat...

Could you also add an autoupdater?

And a module to edit the staff+ prefix?



could you please elaborate on what you mean by a hologram?

an auto updater thread is already listed here. you can vote for it if you would like it higher up on the to-do list.

And you could enable or disable the holograma form ingame so each staff has It or not(depending if they like It or not) and in the config changuing between enabled defeault or disabled defeault


You can edit the general prefix in the language files, I believe.


could you please elaborate on what you mean by a hologram?

an auto updater thread is already listed here. you can vote for it if you would like it higher up on the to-do list.

A hud in the right part of the screenshot line the one in hcf plugins